
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

On My Way Home... I'm home!

Well I'm on my way home! I'm wrapped in a blanket, sitting on a body pillow with my legs elevated on the dash (so they don't swell), my bed pillow behind my head, neck pillow just in case, lots of fans, spray fans and ice packs too for along the way. We have no AC, but we might get lucky and have pretty mild weather

, which would be a blessing for my body! There are tons of water bottles filled with water, water jugs, and a lot of Gatorade and powerade to get us home alive and hopefully feeling somewhat well. Well, as well as you can feel on a 12 hour drive with Lyme disease.

We've been home a few days now and getting settled. The drive was surprisingly cool, it was a true miracle catered just for what my body needed to survive the drive. My sister and kids are angels helping us get comfortable. The house had already been mostly decorated by my other sister and my mom, family sure is wonderful! It took my body a good 2-3 days to recover from the drive, though sometimes I feel I'm still recovering. I have had a lot of problems with edema in my legs lately, so I am concerned how my liver and kidneys are holding up. I'm having to keep my legs up a lot, I also have to rub lavendar oil on them every night or I end up awake in pain till 4am. I am frustrated at my body, I still have many or most days when I try so hard to be normal, and I end up tripping and falling on my face (usually right when I step out of bed) and remember I can no longer be the girl that goes 150mph. My last glut treatment was aweful, my veins are not happy with me.

But I'm happy to be home with my little family in our own home again for a few weeks.

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