
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Here's to Hoping for Better Days

These past few days have been a breath of fresh air for me. A few weeks ago I would have said I feel miserable today (with how I'm feeling at this particular moment), but after going through what I did last week, I'm just happy to not be in so much pain, to not feel so nauseated, and to be able to sleep. It makes a world of difference. Of course if I could, I'd love to go out on the town and go shopping, visit old friends and my family in the area, etc. But I can't quite do that yet. I have more confidence that things will be okay now that I have an arsenal of medications to help combat symptoms along this journey of fighting Lyme disease. Last week when things were at their worst, my husband was able to be here with me. Of course I hate that his vacation away from work was spent by my bedside, but I am so grateful he was here with me. As my mom always likes to remind me I "chose well" when I married him, which I have always agreed with her and have never questioned it. If anything, I feel like I'm just the luckiest girl in the world that he chose to marry me. He's an amazing man, one of a kind, and sometimes I am guilty of taking him for granted. He continues to stick with me through the thick and thin of everything and he's my best friend and rock that I constantly lean on. Last week on one of my scariest nights, I remember laying in bed in pain, having a hard time breathing, tears streaming down my face and not knowing what to do at that moment, but he was there kneeling by my side, holding my hand and praying for me both out loud and silently. He was able to give me a priesthood blessing and for a moment I was able to feel God's hand reaching down to bless me and say "it's going to be ok, I see you, I hear you, I am here with you, just keep holding on". He was there over those few bad days helping me walk or carrying me from place to place. He tried so hard to get me to sip on any liquid he could get down me, spoon feeding me ice chips and jello. He would wake me in the middle of the night to give me sips of fluid because my body would start to tremor in my sleep. He bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. When I was able to finally get out of my dilirium and look at him clearly, he was so happy to see my eyes with life behind them. I consider what we have between us as complete and utter true love for each other, and I couldn't imagine a day without him in my life. We did have to send him home on a plane this week to go back to work, it was sad, but thankfully I was having a better day and felt good being able to say goodbye at the airport looking somewhat alive and standing on my own two feet. And since I'm on the topic of my wonderful husband, a quick shout out to my sweet dear mother in-law, I saw this on pinterest and had to share because it's so true:

Yesterday, though I had a killer headache, I was able to get myself up and did some laundry. My son was such a big helper, he would help put the clothes in the wash and transfer them from the wash to the dryer and then take them out of the dryer and bring them to me on the couch to fold (he's being trained well at 4 years old, isn't he? haha, I love it). I feel lucky to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends during this time in my life. My sister also came over last night to be with me while my in-laws were at a class. I just needed someone nearby in case I needed help with my son, I was afraid to be on my own with him, so it was a comfort having her there. And today, my son is over playing at his Auntie's house with all his cousins who love him dearly! He was so excited to go and play with their legos and particularly one of his cousins that likes to play legos and pirates with him. So today Grammy is getting a break (at least I hope so) from caring for the two of us and I am enjoying a day of feeling okay. It's amazing how much that means now that I've felt much worse. I am feeling pain in my diaphragm and chest from time to time, but nothing horrible and my body does have shakes and tremors, but still not as horrible as last week. I wake up most mornings nauseated, but it seems to diminish with time or with medication. I have to be vigilent about staying very relaxed, not doing hardly anything, taking warm baths to soothe my joints and muscles, getting myself to bed on time and getting enough sleep, and make sure I'm taking my meds and supplements at breakfast, lunch and dinner. It's a full time job taking care of myself right now! I am so grateful for my mother in-law being here to care for her grandbaby and take care of him when I can't. But after last week, I'm determined not to let myself sink that low again. I have another doctor appointment tomorrow for a check up and more IV glutathione, and most likely we will be increasing antibiotics again slowly to see how my body reacts. So here is to hoping for better days ahead! And a special special thank you to my family and friends, I have received so many messages, emails, letters, all expressing love and prayers in my behalf. Thank you all so very much for your love, it truly means the world to me.

And just to add a few more favorites that I've found on Pinterest (I know, I know, I'm a total pinterest junkie... but there's so much fun stuff on there to find), I hope you enjoy a few of my favorites, I might even start posting different quotes at the end of all my posts, who knows? The sky's the limit.



*(I did not make any of these and don't know who the artist/authors all are, just found them on Pinterest)

1 comment:

  1. It seems like just yesterday your were marking off the days on your wall calendar of how long he had left on his mission! :) I'm so glad that you two have each other!
